Saturday 28 September 2013

Rammed earth-evergreen construction material.

Rammed earth is a method of building walls whereby a mixture of earth is compacted in layers between forms. Each layer of earth is approximately 15 cm (6 inches) deep. As each form is filled, another form is placed above it, and the process begins again. This is continued until the desired wall height is achieved. Forms can be stripped off as soon as the form above is begun, as the compressed earth wall is self-supporting immediately..

The soil mix needs to be carefully balanced between clay, sand and aggregate. The clay and moisture content of rammed earth is relatively low compared to that used for mud brick or other earth building methods.

A wider range of soils are suitable when a small amount of cement is added to the mix. The result, known as ‘stabilised rammed earth’, is a strong masonry product which provides excellent thermal mass.

In  this method soil is placed by hand or by machine. After filling ever thing form work is removed,and what left solid is stable wall. Builders ram and repeat until the entire house is built.

This method of building has a long history. Parts of the Great Wall of China were constructed using the technique and are still standing more than 2,000 years later.

In the United States Department of Agriculture issued instructions how to build a rammed earth house in 1926, it has become popular during the Great Depression of the poor farmers. Disappeared after World War II approach, but in the 1970s, the builders of the western United States to send rammed earth. In Australia, where it is limited, expensive wood construction, rammed earth construction is very popular. While about 20% of new homes as part of the west of the country to build such a way.

Countries including China, Peru and New Zealand, have accounted for the construction of this type of symbols, but the United States did not put symbols to build from the ground. Looking for artisans leadership, the National Association of Home Builders estimates that labor costs per square foot to reach at least $ 80.

Even so, researchers at the association note that earthen walls provide the material comes from the ultimate in renewable sources.

Rammed earth-evergreen construction material.

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